I haven't been playing the guitar for more than a year, but let me tell you, I love it! It changed many things about me and I'm sure it will for you too. It's never too late to be who you wanna be, as Lana Del Rey states in Summer Bummer, and I think learning has no boundaries. Since many people are still in quarantine and some others don't have something to do during summer break, I think learning an instrument would be so beneficial for you for reasons I'm going to discuss in this article.
You don't have to become an expert, like the kids you see on talent shows. I have come to the conclusion that people who learn a music instrument can be split into two categories; the people who treat a music instrument like a foreign language (plan practise time, burn the midnight oil studying theory, have a structured schedule and aim for high goals, such as competitions and awards) and people who treat a music instrument like art (see the instument as an escape from their everyday life, play whenever they feel inspired, don't like rules, boundaries and restrictions and play whatever their heart desires). I personally belong to the second category because I simply hate theory, but I think these major differences between musicians add to the beauty of music and makes it friendly to everyone
Playing an instrument gives you a sense of achievement
Playing and succeeding at a musical instrument gives you a huge sense of pride and achievement, especially when you manage to perfect a passage you’ve been struggling with for weeks, and that isn't only relevant for people being taught. Self-taught artists or people learning an instrument just for fun will feel more complete after mastering their favourite song. I personally started learning guitar for this reason and I just can't describe the feeling you get when you master something. I felt so proud and overjoyed about passages that seemed totally irrelevant to me, because I understood the difficulty. That's the reason why people who don't play an instrument don't value music the same, in my opinion of course.
It boosts your confidence
Now that may seem like nonsense but hear me out. Playing an instrument helps you get comfortable with self-expression. As children begin to master their instrument, they will probably end up playing to a few audiences, starting with their music teacher or parents, and branching out to groups of other pupils, friends and concert audiences. Playing in public can help children feel confident in presenting their work in a non-academic context. I personally also believe that the music you listen to (and the music you like playing) defines more or less or can somewhat express part of your personality. Musical instruments have been a way for me to discover new music artists that I wouldn't have heard of before and find myself.
Practising improves patience
Yes, practising is a very intimidating process of learning but it’s an important lesson to learn that the more effort you put into something, the better the result will be. “Give it a year” before you see big improvements in ability and confidence. Then, you’ll look back and be glad of those hard first few months. Indeed, those first few months will forever be a badge of honour, saying you stuck it out and earned your stripes. There are no shortcuts to learning an instrument. It's extremely important especially in our days, when things are served to us and we don't have to lift our pinky about them.
It increases discipline
Unless you’re an out-of-this-world child prodigy, learning to play an instrument isn’t a skill you can master overnight. Learning music takes time and effort, and helps children understand that if they want to be good at something, they’ll need to put in the hours and organise their time effectively. You will push yourself to continue reaching higher and higher, push your boundaries and sacrifice some of your free time.
Influences creativity
Practising and perfecting a piece of music does wonders for the creative side of your brain. No matter how much a composer annotates their composition, they cannot fully express how a piece of music should be played. So it is up to the player to put their own stamp on a piece, to inject some of their personality into the music. There’s a reason classical artists win awards for their performances. I personally feel like an amateur Brian May when I play the guitar, don't know why, but I do.
Playing helps release and reduce stress
Music keeps you calm. It has a unique effect on our emotions, and has even been proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure. Psychologist Jane Collingwood believes that slow classical music is often the most beneficial. “Listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies, especially slow, quiet classical music. This type of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the levels of stress hormones.” And I don't think that is only reduced to classical music. How many times have you heard a song lyric or simply a music melody and felt a deep connection, something you could relate to, a feeling of overjoy, an urge to cry, or an evoke of memories and emotions? Exactly.
Playing an instrument makes you smarter
Here shows up my nerdy side lol. Einstein once said: “Life without playing music is inconceivable to me. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music”. And as it turns out, Einstein was onto something: many studies show a correlation between musical training and academic success, in both children and adults. Learning to play an instrument stimulates the brain, improving functions like memory and abstract reasoning skills, which are essential for maths and science.
It helps improve your memory
Researchers have found that learning to play a musical instrument can enhance verbal memory, spatial reasoning and literacy skills. Playing an instrument makes you use both sides of your brain, which strengthens memory power.
It is fun!
We can harp on about all the scientifically accurate benefits to learning a musical instrument – but what matters most is that it’s enjoyable for the player. While other hobbies like watching TV or flicking through social media are passive, playing music actively engages and stimulates the brain, making you feel happy and occupied. As a "musician" I can assure you that is so true. Thinking about how much time you would spend in front of a screen if you didn't practise is a relief, makes you feel like you are independent from something.
Thank you so much for reading! I honestly hope I gave you enough reasons to start because I believe no one in this world deserves to be stripped off music. Learn and watch the effects it has on you. Love you <3