Hello everyone! It's another Wednesday with @__kateriina__ and today I wanted to share with you some advice about dealing with online classes in the most successful way possible.
I did a small research and by that I mean I asked my friends, who are both school and university students, for their opinion on online classes and for their tips that make the class easier and more constructive to them.
Well, all of them came to a common conclusion, which many students, including me, may agree to: online classes are difficult, definitely not that likable and they can get really tiring. Each one of us is different and unique and so is our learning styles.
In that way...
Tip No.1 Find your learning style
Knowing yourself as a learner is important if you want to achieve to the best of your ability You can also check out this page for more specific advise based on your learing style: https://collegepuzzle.stanford.edu/knowing-your-learning-style-can-help-college-success/
Knowing your learning style, you can:
Tip No.2 Take notes
You can take better and more helpful notes.
And keeping your own notes is very important, so find a note system that works the best for you.
Tip No.3 Pay attention to your lectures and teachers
It is very important to actually participate and attend the classes in order to understand the meaning of everything new you learn. Plus, the teachers are there for you to answer your questions and explain the parts that are difficult for you.
If there are things that you haven't understood well, then the notes alone can't help you.
Tip No.4
Connect with your professors
Your professors are still real people even if your classes are online and they really do want to help you achieve your best grade. Sending an email question or contacting them via a message board they’ve set up is a great way to get some help.
Tip No.5 Connect with other students
Reach out to your classmates and see if they’re struggling with the same things you are. It allows you to get the help you need and help other students with what they’re struggling with.
Online classes are still classes, so:
Tip No.6 Treat an online course like a “real” course
When it comes to online classes, you need to have the discipline to sit down and say, “I am going to work on this,” as well as the dedication to actually follow through.
And last, but definetely not least:
Tip No.7 Eliminate distractions
I don't want to exaggerate but keep any other electronic device away from you and don't log into any of your social media accounts during class and even on break time. I know, it's hard. I can't do it either, but I try to reduce it.
And that's it for this article! I hope that these tips are easy to follow and that will turn out helpful to you. No matter what, you CAN make it and you WILL make it! We both know it! Be patient and work hard!
See ya next Wednesday!❤
Love y'all❣