Hi everyone—bonjour tout le monde!
I’ve seen this around on WHI lately so I’ve decided to give it a try. Enjoy this very messy list of current obsessions :
taking care of my plants every day
fancy blouses, shoulder bags
stream of consciousness writing
finally sleeping my required hours of sleep
baking fancy cakes (and just cooking in general)
Joji’s last album “Nectar”
making origamis + hanging them everywhere
The Queen’s Gambit (a show I highly recommend)
taking Polaroid pictures
“Heaven or Las Vegas” by Cocteau Twins
time alone to breathe
leather jackets
big chunky boots/heals
two books: The City of Fallen Angels by John Berendt Franny and Zooey by J. D. Salinger
earrings (I should have pierced my ears years ago, best decision ever)
That’s it for this article, thanks for reading !
See you next Monday -Sophie