Hi, all!, I´m @Alejandralahey and today I bring you a new article.
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Today I wanted to talk about goals, dreams and how to achieve those goals and make our dreams come true. So, first of all:
When you know what you want, half the way is already done.
Having a clear vision of what we want, and knowing what we want to be, have or do in a future is the most important thing when It comes to planning something.
You need to know your final goal:
• Finish a story in November.
• Learning a language you have never tried.
• Doing a bit of yoga every day.
Depending on your goal, you will focus your mind on different things; maybe in setting a routine or having a schedule for something that requires less time.
Slowly but surely
You don't have to run, or become overwhelmed or overthink the goal.
But you also need to practice and work a bit every day.
You have to find that balance between time and motivation.
Things require time and effort, but they are not impossible.
Take all the opportunities
Any course, activity, advice... Everything is welcome for helping you to reach your goal!
Training is very important, in any aspect of life, so don't regret doing anything that can help you.
Every little thing counts, so any tip/ advice can help you.
Do not forget that everything, no matter how small, counts
“Just because my dreams are different than yours, it doesn't mean they're unimportant."
I love this quote from Little Women. Every goals are important, your dreams are not silly, they are important to you and that is what matters.
Always try to do your best, reach the top, but do not get agitated comparing your goals with those of others. We are all different, our passions different, and our dreams just as important.
Have always a reason and a motivation
Never forget what you are fighting for, who you are fighting for, who you draw inspiration from and what you will achieve.
Think that the end will be worth it, all the effort will be rewarded if we fight and work.
For example, when I am unmotivated studying a language, I think about why I am studying that, what I am going to be able to do and who I am inspiring to fight. I think of all that I will do, see and feel.
It is difficult, but by focusing on it you already have part of the way done.
*And this is it!*
Hope this can help you. You are amazing!
Thanks for being here, and reading this far. See you soon!
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