Hi all! We are The Honey Club and today we wanted to introduce ourselves.
We are a group of writers from all around the world, and we write daily articles about: aesthetics, writing, lifestyle, music, thoughts, tips... in our We Heart It Profile! https://weheartit.com/thehoneyclub.
And now we are going to post here, as well!
So let me introduce you to the Honey Club Members!

1. Sofie (Founder)
"Hey, I’m Sofie! The Honey Club was created by me a while back and officially launched in May/June as a small writing group in the We Heart It platform. Our goal has always been to inspire writers (on our team and outside of it) to be brave with their writing. As for a little bit about myself I am 17, my passion is obviously to write though I think that’s too vague because what I want to do is make the world better and my way of doing that is with writing, my goal in life is to do the most/help others with what is given to me, and my goal with The Honey Club is to someday (fingers crossed) make it something bigger than what it is."
2. Alejandra (Writer & member of the Social Media and Editors Team)
"Hi all! My name is Alex, and I was born in Spain. I've been reading and writing for as long as I can remember, and what I like the most in the world is writing at night, because I feel that the world stops and I can only feel the soft breeze from the window melted with a heavy darkness. Writing means everything to me, and I´m grateful to have the opportunity to write with othe super talented writers!
I love traveling, learning languages and everything that has to do with cinema and the universe, too. Hope you can enjoy our articles!"
3. Anika (Member of the Social Media and organizator of the account)
"Hey there, my name is Anika. I am a 16 year old, soon to be 17, from a small country in south Asia called Bangladesh. I have a love for words and everything related to it. Thus me joining various article writing platforms like The Honey Club. Music is life for me. I think after science, love and poetry, music is the best thing that has happened to mankind. But, that’s my opinion only. I think I’m a great empath, which I would say is one of my best qualities. I usually live life in high spirits though I am very pessimistic and a firm cynic. My dream is to be an editor in a publishing house but I want to study genetic engineering in the future so that I can at least try and help to find a somewhat cure for cancer. So yes, I’d be willing to take a step back from a dream of mine for another, more altruistic one. But the way I live and breathe books and literature will never change."

4. Toshita (Writer & Editor)
"Hello dearest, I'm Toshita she/her, one of the editor & writer of The Honey Club. I'm 19yo from India. I write on every other Mondays on WHI. I love writing & I love writing for this group. I like reading, gardening & cooking n baking. I'm a dog person & i want to pet one in future. My dream is to open a bakery of my own."
5. Serena (Writer)
“I’m Serena, an Italian girl with a mind full of thoughts. In my free time I like reading, listening to music and writing everything that comes to my mind. I’m really curious and I’m always looking for opportunities to learn and educate myself. I’m also a feminist who tries to create a safe space for everyone both online and off line. My biggest ambition is to become an author and give my contribution to the world with the power of words.”
6. Katerina (Writer)
"My name is Katerina and, I'm 19 years old and I'm from Greece.
Writing was something that I found interesting when others were doing it but I thought that it would be really hard to write a good article. So, I never gave it a try until I made my whi profile. I realised that all it takes in order to have a nice article is to be true to yourself. In this way, writing turned out to be a beautiful journey of getting to know and love myself more, learning things, expressing myself better, and trying to inspire others."

7. Inès (Writer)
"I'm Inès, a 19 years old who is still learning about life. I try to walk towards a more mindful path. I am a law student, a reader, an introvert, a writer, a hypersensitive person & many other things. A lot is going on in my mind and writing articles allows me to empty it."
8. Sophie (Writer)
"Hi everyone, my name's Sophie and I'm a 19-year-old girl from France. Lately my passions include cooking, watching movies and learning foreign languages. Since I am currently studying English at college my main goal would probably be to study abroad next year... But getting an apartment with my friends or alone is also one of my biggest dreams ever. As for the honey club, I had been wanting to write articles on whi for a while and finally decided to go for it and just have fun! I am really grateful for this opportunity and I hope you'll appreciate my articles."
9. Paula (Writer)
"I am Paula, I'm eighteen and I’m from Uruguay. Writing has always been something that interested me, whether it was songs, poems or, like now, articles. My biggest interests are in art, books and music. I usually prefer books over movies, and I have always been a bit of a fan of Greek and Roman mythology. Even If I do enjoy having time for myself, I love meeting new people since I always have a great time while learning about them."
This was all for today! You¨ll find daily articles by all of us here! Thanks for reading this far and see you soon :)