Hi honeybees! As you may know a few weeks ago I created this challenge, to discover ourselves and develop our creativity until the end of the year.
I leave you the first part here below:
Today I bring you another two weeks with activities that you can do.
Don't forget to tell us what you think! You can write to us on our Instagram account @thehoneyclubofficial
Week 3:
"Creative me" category:
The first activity consists of draw an illustration of your favorite character (from television, movie, books ...) that looks like you at the same time.
The second activity is somewhat different. Now I want you to write down all the story ideas that you would like to write in the future.
"New me" category:
Take five minutes to think about what you want to achieve in the future. Not only the goal, but also the small steps to achieve it. If you want write it down.
Look at your wishlist of books or check the ones you have at home and haven't read yet. Choose the one you like the most and read it, then write a review of it.
Week 4
"Creative me" category
Choose your favorite type of music, and from there try to write lyrics for a new song. It can be pop, rock, a ballad...
Find a decorative craft, and try to make it at home to be able to put it in your room.
Choose a cake recipe on the internet and cook it!
"New me" category
Choose a day of the week and try NOT to use the phone all day, only for the essentials.
Think of old hobbies that you stopped doing, and become passionate about them again.
Have a night to yourself. Choose your favorite movie, prepare something to eat, and spend the night relaxing and doing what you like the most.
This is all for today, the next article with the week's activities will be ready in two weeks, as you know.
Thanks for reading this far, and don´t forget to read more by us!